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fighting cancer with food & vitamins

Saturday, September 1, 2012

the progress is great

the photo of almost NO  tumor is  making the rounds,,,  more people are  picking up my story.

I've been able to have some brief talks about  the way I'M  fighting cancer.. People are  stunned , they didn't know there was ( well kinda ) an alternative  to  "traditional treatment" .   In just  45 days, we've , ( me and all you nice people  sending positive vibes),  shrunk this tumor to almost nothing.  

i go back for my re-test  october  16th ,, that's another  45 days,,  i'm feeling really confident that my cancer report will be what we want to hear...  and i'll get to shave !!!!   I'm going to look way younger than  54 when i get this  gray taken off !!

in my dream world . i will be  done  with "cancer" october 16th ,, that will be a total of   105  days that  "i had cancer"  so to speak...  and  NO  side effects ..  and i really do feel good.. 

again,, thank you all so very much,, for the support..  

i was pretty grumpy at first,  the out look was grim,,  and thanks to the internet, i was able to find the data that actually IS  saving my life..

if you know someone who gets "diagnosed" with cancer,,, keep them calm, take a few weeks off, research until your fingers are bleeding...   

they told me        "we have to get that out ASAP "  ,, "you NEED  chemo",,
" you need an operation",,    "that's gonna be as big as a grapefruit in 6 months"   &  " the cancer will take over your whole head and  shoulders  in 9 months"...  ...........

 well  , i didn't rush into an operation, and that recovery ,, my tumor IS NOT  gonna be as big as a grapefruit,,  and    if i had  3 grams of cancer in ONE spot , why do i NEED to chemo my whole body ??..

 i don't know the actual % of people who  "walk away"  from  traditional treatment .  but i am guessing it is very small  -  maybe i'm a  .01 % er

my name is otto, and this is my story

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