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fighting cancer with food & vitamins

Saturday, January 5, 2013

6 month re-cap

    my name is  Otto , im 54 years old , 24 years sober.  

  On  June 2nd,  i retired from a 36 year food service/ management  career to pursue my  comedy career full time.    For 10 years i had a little speck on my neck, and in June, it grew into a gumball size bump.   My chiropractor said to get it checked out and i went to an E.N.T. .  He touched my bump ,  looked into my throat, and said,,  you have tonsils, we should take them out. He asked me if i smoked ?, i said no.  He said, if you did , i'd  tell you   that you have cancer.   This took 3 minutes.  

 I was sent to get  a biopsy, my tumor was 3.3 centimeters,    ( a US quarter is 2.8 cm )..they took 12 samples.    The results  took 6 days . 
   on  July  2nd  the  ENT called  and said - well  otto - you do  have cancer. Squamous Cell Carcinoma, the  #2 type of cancer world wide. Then  he said . "You probably won't understand what i'm going to tell you , because i just  told you  that  you have cancer , but here goes".....and for 4 minutes his voice sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher.  He ended with,  "did you get that?"     i  said NO, not a word.  He said the hospital will call you,  and set you up.. click.   45 seconds later the hospital called and said they were ready for me, and my operation was in 3 days. What operation? . The one the doctor told you  about.  I said to  cancel that now please.

my life partner Heather was sitting across from me , i said ,, well  i DO  have cancer.... 

 So  i walked to the computer , and  googled , the  cure for cancer.. the top 10 hits were NOT the cancer industry,  they were  FOOD !! ..        

  Then i called my  regular "doctor" and told him  they said i have cancer,  they  want to operate on me.    I  want to see a tumor doctor for a second opinion first.  He said,   " why do you want a second opinion?"" ... i thought , this guy is fired !! 

then,  right back to the internet --  i  found  the   "cure  for cancer" , and instantly changed my diet that second  !!!   To  an ALKALINE base ,  all cancer fighting  foods.  Cancer can't live in an  Alkaline system , and specific vitamins  & herbs fight cancer too.    My fight  was  on ..
 I  can eat   and  Juice  my way out of this.

cancer feeds on poisons,, and stress is a poison.
it took  13  days just to get a referral . .  He sent  me to an Oncologist on july 16th ,   a chemo guy, in the same building as the ENT.  He backed up the ENT , he said they would not cut the tumor off, only radiate  & chemo it..   He said get a PET  scan , that will tell everything.

  The PET  scan was scheduled for july 23rd.  This is the "tell all" of tests.  It's a nuclear fluid, that  "lights"  up any cancer in you.

By test day ,and  in  only 19 days ,  the food & vitamins have shrunk the tumor by almost half.     I   feel better than i have in 30 years.   I've lost 12 lbs.  A   25 year coffee ,  sugar & sweets  habit is cured in one week.

 july 23rd.. the PET SCAN.. i asked ,  any side  effects?  the guy said no.  They put the the stuff in you and let it stew, then into the big machine you  go.   It takes  3 hours... $ 9,000. 

On the way home , my neck felt like it was boiling, and when i got to  a stop sign , i looked in the mirror and was shocked to see the tumor had grown .  It looked like a computer mouse was under my skin. It was as had as a rock. It hurt a lot..   When i got  home i was very sick, like i had  the super flu. I looked up the stuff they put in me,  and it was very poisonous.  It was going to be in me for 17 more days..  I was pissed, they poisoned me., they fed my tumor.  It was  20 times bigger .

4 days later , July 27th,  i see the Radiologist, he is going to go over all of the tests , and present the Cancer Industry's Attack Plan to me. He said , "that's a big tumor",  i told him the PET scan  made it this big . He said impossible.  He showed us the PET scan on the screen and where I have cancer in one spot. I asked , what stage am I ?   Stage  4  with no spread.  He said i had an aggressive cancer.  It got  that big so quick.      I  told him  that  i was  making the tumor smaller, but  he  said  that was impossible.  He said their plan was very  aggressive.

First , a feeding tube was to be installed , because my swallowing was going to shut down.   That means no more of my food !!        #2.   go to a dentist and  get a fluoride treatment, and a mouth guard made.   This mouth guard will catch your fillings , as they may boil out of your teeth, from the radiation.    My saliva glands my be burned out also . My voice my change or be lost.. He said  after radiation of 8 weeks,  the chemo guy would get me for 7. He  said  i would  BARELY BE ALIVE ,  so they could treat me. He said i NEEDED  chemo . He said i could have all the drugs i wanted.   I could get my tonsils out if i wanted to, after that .     So in a matter of weeks , under their care , i was going to barely be alive, and  just in time for winter.

  august 1st ...i decided to walk away from treatment . My plan was  for 15 weeks , to do what i was  doing , and compare results in mid December.  They said i'd be BARELY  ALIVE and  my tumor would be as big as a grapefruit in December.   Then by January , I'd be completely taken over from cancer,  a total wreck.  When they asked  me what  i  was  going to do , I  told them VooDoo , and walked out. 

    A few  weeks ago ,i sent the doctor  pictures of  when  he saw me in July,   and one of  in October , with no visible tumor.  He  called and offered a re test.. A  CT  scan, less invasive than a PET scan .   He  didn't ask  "how i did it" , only how i felt .       

 the  CT scan is  radioactive Iodine..  i am allergic to Iodine, and  .04  to   3 %  of CT scans   CAUSE cancer.      so  no thanks

January .  

i won !!!   

 i am in no pain, i have  NO side effects,  my tumor is the size of a pez candy.. i've lost 15 lbs , but  i can  gain weight.  I have NO cancer symptoms.  I feel fantastic.  My strength is like i am 19 years old again. 

HOW ???   

 organic vegetables, fruits , Juice,  vitamins, herbs, exercise,  good positive thinking,  love ,  and laughter

     my  new  comedy show is
                         Humor  Vs. Tumor

            with every laugh , a cancer cell dies
            .........  please  don't let me die up here....

thank you  & good night 

love  , otto



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