it is just a bit smaller,, it is crawling around to the back of my neck.. the worst part is it is trying to get under my ear, in the jaw /skull / joint. that's really painful.
having pain pills is like taking the battery out of the smoke alarm , if you know what i mean.. but without them there is no way i can heal.. this blob gets really painful , like 12 on the 10 scale.. i was given 60 pills for 30 days = 2 a day. i've only had 1/2 a pill a a time X 4 times a day = 2.. some nights i needed another 1/2, so i'm gonna be 6 days short. bummer.
i saw the pain doc early, no problem . now i have 4 per day..
this good / bad deal with pain pills. good to have no pain ,, BAD to take them.. i will carefully monitor this . i do not want to get hooked on these or other stuff.
i know what it feels like to have cancer pain now. i was super lucky those first 24 months..
i am fully confident to beat this again. i need to calm down , and do less.
health report :
weight 140
strength A
attitude good, with bad pain spikes
tumor large & moving to the back of my neck
sunday 12:02 am ..

now it's monday morning , i had trouble publishing this .my old computer was stuck,,