if you have netflix, watch Food Matters... if you've seen it ,, watch it again, instead of some crappy sit-com.. lucky for me , i had seen this movie before i "got cancer"... because of this movie , i watched HOURS of other food & nutrition movies,, all that is saving me today
here's the only youtube link i could find,, it has subtitles in arabic? ,, but you can still watch it
the Gerson Miracle , also fantastic.. this is the main source of my diet ideas
and this one helped me think about the chemical side of treatment, and the courtroom footage will just blow you mind.. something is wrong with the "health system"
if you watch enough of these types of movies ,,, or hopefully just these three,, you will understand how i decided to "walk away " from "treatment" ..
i HAD to try food & vitamins , for the same amount of time they were going to radiate me FIRST,,, then think about traditional treatment ,, if the food deal failed...
it was 8 weeks of food , vitamins & good vibes = look at the pics and i feel fantastic
8 weeks of treatment and the side effects ...
i don't want to offend anyone but , i think to just sign on to treatment, it horribly stupid...
they tell you you have X amount of time left ,, how do they know that ,, ? ,, so why NOT try everything YOU think might help ,,, heck,, you're only messing with X amount of time .. GO FOR IT !!!! if you're wrong , the cancer center will let you back in..

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